Monday, August 31, 2015

The Writing Process

Monday, August 31, 2015

Today we began creating our interactive notebooks. The first entry in the interactive notebook is the steps of the writing process. The steps and notes on the Writing Process provided are as follows: 


•Brainstorming or generating ideas
•Researching and reading about the topic
•Taking notes, writing down key points that support the topic
•Organizing ideas on a planning sheet or graphic organizer

30 minute process

Writing an essay based on your planning sheet.
Getting your thought on paper.
Compose the Introduction, body, and conclusion.
60 minute process

Reread your essay and make sure that:
   oThere is a clear central idea.
   oSupport is clear and aligns with central idea
   oAdd definitions and evidence if necessary
   oEverything flows logically and relates to the central idea.
   oVoice and tone are consistent with writing style
   oReview word choice
   oVarying sentence structures and lengths.
   o15 minute process

Check for and fix
   oSpelling errors
   oGrammatical errors
   oProper punctuation
   oClarify statements that can be misinterpreted
   oMisused words (ex. From vs. form)
   oSources are properly cited
   o15 minute process

Taking a New Approach
If your essay is not working, ask yourself these questions:
   oDoes the form of my essay achieve my purpose?
   oAre the tone and language appropriate for the topic and audience?
   oIs the information organized effectively, or will it confuse the reader?
   oIs there a different approach I could take?
If something is not working, go back to an earlier step in the writing process and make improvements

•Be sure that what ever you submit is your best.
•If you are not happy with it, make it better before submitting.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Kahoot! Parts of Speech

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Hello class!! As you may have noticed, I did not create a post on Friday. Friday was a review day on parts of speech. On review days when there is no physical assignment, I will not post an assignment to complete. However, if you were absent, you miss out on an amazing game of Kahoot! I was so excited to see my students enjoying the learning process through friendly competition.

3rd Period - This class did not have the opportunity to play Kahoot! as they were required to watch district mandated videos concerning Bullying and Dating Violence. Students that were absent will complete the training at a later date.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Homework: Learning Survey

For homework, students are to complete the Multiple Intelligence Survey via: . Screenshot the results of the quiz and email the results to In the subject line, please include your name and include your complete heading in the body.

Noun, Verb, Adjective Practice

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Today we began class by reviewing the eight parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection). Students then did an exercise to review nouns, adjectives, and verbs in-depth. To receive credit for today's assignment, students that were absent must copy the sentences provided and identify the underlined as either a noun, verb, or adjective.
1.      The ball rolled past the catcher and all the way back to the backstop. 
2.      The ball rolled past the catcher and all the way back to the backstop. 
3.      My mother is very smart.
4.      My mother is very smart. 
5.      The broken printer needs to be replaced. 
6.      The broken printer needs to be replaced. 
7.      Bob and Anthony were assigned to sleep in the green tent. 
8.      Bob and Anthony were assigned to sleep in the green tent. 
9.      The expensive vase shattered when it hit the floor. 
10.    The expensive vase shattered when it hit the floor. 
11.    Sally ran for president of her class. 
12.    Sally ran for president of her class
13.    The old car barely made it to the next highway exit. 
14.    The old car barely made it to the next highway exit
15.    Grant chose to write a lengthy report about Thomas Edison. 
16.    Grant chose to write a lengthy report about Thomas Edison. 
17.    The lion roared at the frightened children. 
18.   The lion roared at the frightened children.
Once your have correctly identified the part of speech for the underlined term, you are to write a paragraph based on the following: What is your opinion of 8th grade thus far and what things are you looking forward to? Once you have written your paragraph, you will need to identify the nouns, verbs, and adjectives you have used by circling all of the nouns, underlining the verbs, and squiggle underline the adjectives.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Florida Collections Scavenger Hunt Assignment

Wednesday, August 26th, 2015

Hello!! Today in class students enjoy some friendly competition by completing a scavenger hunt through this year's primary textbook Florida Collections. If you were absent, please choose a Collection from the textbook to analyze and complete the assignment by responding to the following questions using the textbook online via Beep.

Collection #: __________

Directions: In groups, evaluate the assigned collection and answer the following questions.
  1. What is a collection within the Florida Collections textbook?
  2. Write down the opening quote in the collection and explain how the quote relates to the title of the collection and the image.
  3. What types of texts are represented in the collection?
  4. Beside several texts in the Table of Contents, there is a “play button” symbol. What does this symbol indicate?
  5. What is the Academic Vocabulary in the collection?
  6. What are the Key Learning Objectives in the collection?
  7. At the end of each text in the collection, there is a Collaborative Discussion. What do you believe is the purpose of this activity?
  8. Each text requires students to complete Analyzing the Text questions.  What are these set of questions asking you to do?
  9. What is the performance task at the end of the first anchor text in the collection?
  10. What are the Collection Performance Tasks at the conclusion of collection?

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

What I Need To Know Assignment

Today in class we went over things that students need to know in Mrs. Samuel's class and it was done through the use of note taking strategies. The information provided is as follows:

Supply List

  • 11/2 - 2 inch Binder
  • 5 dividers
  • Spiral Notebooks
  • Flash Drive
  • Assorted Highlighters
  • Pens (Blue or Black Ink Only)
Class Rules
  • Raise your hand and wait to be called on.
  • Keep hands, feet, and all objects to yourself.
  • Leave area as you found it.
  • Show respect to everyone.
  • Come in prepared with supplies and ready to learn.
  • Verbal reprimand
  • Seat change
  • Time out in another classroom
  • Writing Assignment
  • Phone call home
  • Written behavior action plan
  • Referral
  • Homework Pass
  • Extra Credit Opportunity
  • Positive phone call home
  • Music during class period
  • Dance the last 5 min. of class
  • Free entry to a School Dance
  • When I come in:
    • Be seated prior to the bell
    • Complete Do Now within 5 mins. of the bell.
  • Before I leave:
    • Submit assignments in class bin
    • Log out if computer and close when screen says "Ctrl + Alt + Delete".
    • Complete ticket out
    • Leave upon teacher's dismissal
  • Restroom:
    • 2 restroom passes per semester
  • Absent work:
    • 2 days to complete assignments
  • Fire/Tornado:
    • Fire: Grab backpacks and line up at the door quickly. (Do not try to pack up.)
    • Tornado: Assume the protective position underneath desk.
  • Clinic/Counselor:
    • Complete Clinic or Help form
  • Lunch:
    • 1:15 pm - 1:45 pm
  • Textbooks:
    • Florida Collections
    • Performance Assessment Workbook
    • The Language of Literature
    • Writing and Grammar
  • Classwork:
    • Complete in binder
    • Complete via Google Docs
Where can I find...
  • Help Form/Clinic Form:
    • Information Bulletin Board
  • Assignment Bins:
    • Back table
  • Paper:
    • On top of the computer cart
  • Pens:
    • Attached to desk, however using attached pen or red ink will result in the lose of 10 points on assignments. 
Need to Know
  • Food and Drinks:
    • Food and Gum: Not permitted
    • Drinks: Bottled only
  • Pet Peeves:
    • Talking without permission
    • Out of seat without permission
    • Composition book paper
    • Gum Chewing
    • Bullying
  • Submit Work:
    • Place in bins in the back of the classroom.
  • Bell Schedule:
    • 1st Period ~ 9:15am - 10:11am 
    • 2nd Period ~ 10:15am -11:11am 
    • 3rd Period ~ 11:15am -12:11pm
    • 4th Period ~ 12:15pm -1:11pm
    • 5th Period ~ 1:50pm - 2:46pm
    • 6th Period ~ 2:50pm - 3:45pm
  • Contact Mrs. Samuel
    • Email:
    • Email 2:
    • Instagram: mrssamuel116

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Hello! I am Mrs. Samuel and welcome to 8th grade Language Arts. This school year will be over in the blink of an eye and you will be off to high school, beginning the next chapter of your amazing lives. My goal as your teacher is to prepare you for high school and beyond, by enhancing your analytical skills, written and verbal communication skills, and interpersonal skills. To begin your quest through Language Arts this school year, please complete the form via the link provided: Student Information Form . To complete the form, you must have a Gmail account. If you do not have a Gmail account, you will need to create a Gmail account before proceeding, as a Gmail account will be required for this course. I look forward to getting to know each of you and having a successful school year.