Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Florida Collections Scavenger Hunt Assignment

Wednesday, August 26th, 2015

Hello!! Today in class students enjoy some friendly competition by completing a scavenger hunt through this year's primary textbook Florida Collections. If you were absent, please choose a Collection from the textbook to analyze and complete the assignment by responding to the following questions using the textbook online via Beep.

Collection #: __________

Directions: In groups, evaluate the assigned collection and answer the following questions.
  1. What is a collection within the Florida Collections textbook?
  2. Write down the opening quote in the collection and explain how the quote relates to the title of the collection and the image.
  3. What types of texts are represented in the collection?
  4. Beside several texts in the Table of Contents, there is a “play button” symbol. What does this symbol indicate?
  5. What is the Academic Vocabulary in the collection?
  6. What are the Key Learning Objectives in the collection?
  7. At the end of each text in the collection, there is a Collaborative Discussion. What do you believe is the purpose of this activity?
  8. Each text requires students to complete Analyzing the Text questions.  What are these set of questions asking you to do?
  9. What is the performance task at the end of the first anchor text in the collection?
  10. What are the Collection Performance Tasks at the conclusion of collection?

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